Wi-Fi Rental

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2015.10.13 15:29

Can I rent without reserving online ?

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  1. Yes.
  2. Fill out simple contract paper and pay to start renting right away.
  3. Customers with reservation are prioritized when there is shortage of device, we highly recommend online reservation to avoid such inconvenience.

List of Articles
No. Category Subject Author Date Views
21 Common Is there free Wi-Fi available on Guam and Saipan ? Free Wi-Fi is not common in Guam and Saipan as other countries and limited to places like hotel lobby and certain restaurants. Some Hotels offer wired... rentwifi 2015.10.13 3404
20 Common How is Guam and Saipan’s overall communication structure ? Long distance from hotel rooms can cost anywhere between $1.50 - $2.00 per minute and additional $0.75-$1.50 per local calls. Pay phones are rare and ... rentwifi 2015.10.13 4145
19 Common How much are roaming calls ? Both incoming and outgoing calls are considered Roaming. It is best to check with your wireless provider for accurate roaming charges but it is known ... rentwifi 2015.10.13 3224
18 Common What languages are spoken at the rental booth ? e-Communication reaches out to global customers and have ability to assist in many languages. Don't be concerned about language barrier and feel f... rentwifi 2015.10.13 3150
17 Common Will I have enough time to process at the Airport? How long will the process take ? We make rental process quick and easy – Device is ready after simple paperwork and payment. For faster processing please use online reservation. rentwifi 2015.10.13 3382
16 Common How difficult is it to use Wi-Fi device ? It is simple as turning on Wi-Fi on your device and connecting. Any questions and concerns can be answered at our Airport booth. rentwifi 2015.10.13 3244
15 Common How fast is 4G LTE Wi-Fi speed ? 4G-LTE Wifi is 20 times faster than normal roaming. You can watch online movies and videos without buffering. With one device, many users can log on, ... rentwifi 2015.10.13 15354
» Common Can I rent without reserving online ? Yes. Fill out simple contract paper and pay to start renting right away. Customers with reservation are prioritized when there is shortage of device, ... rentwifi 2015.10.13 3234
13 Common How do I check, modify, and cancel my reservation ? Click on "Reservation check" and input exact information used to reserve and option to change or cancel. rentwifi 2015.10.13 3850
12 Common Is AM returns count toward rental days ? No, it will not be included in rental days. It will not be counted toward rental days if returned within AM time. For example if your rental dates sho... rentwifi 2015.10.13 2993
11 Common How are total daily charges calculated ? We use 12 midnight as standard in counting daily charges and it starts from rental date to return date. AM returns are not counted toward rental days. rentwifi 2015.10.13 3184
10 Common How do I select rental period if I’m planning to return during AM ? Please enter Guam arrival date and depart date in the rental period and select AM or PM return (AM return will not be counted toward rental days). rentwifi 2015.10.13 3126
9 Common Can I also rent car chargers ? Yes, car charges are available. Request for car charger when making online reservation or at our Airport booth. Due to our limited car charger stock, ... rentwifi 2015.10.13 3648
8 Common If my phone is only 3G capable can I get 4G LTE Wi-Fi speed ? Yes. Speed of Wi-Fi device will determine the speed of connected devices. rentwifi 2015.10.13 3106
7 Common How do I return the device ? Devices must be returned only to our Airport location. Guam airport business hours: 24 Hours. Saipan airport business hours: 23:00~18:00. rentwifi 2015.10.13 3870
6 Common I accidentally forgot to return the device but I’m already passed the security check point or brought the device back home with me. We will not be able to go past the security check point for device retrieval, please ensure that devices are returned at our Airport booth. Safe and g... rentwifi 2015.10.13 10702
5 Common What can I do if the device is or has become defective during the rental ? If you suspect device to be defective please contact our customer care for device replacement. Please contact us immediately if you suspect a defect. rentwifi 2015.10.13 4691
4 Common How is water damage verified during the return ? Water damage indicator and functionality of the device will be verified before and after rental. Water damage indicator will turn red when in contact ... rentwifi 2015.10.13 4438
3 Common How cash deposits are returned ? Cash deposit is returned immediately after safe return of the device. rentwifi 2015.10.13 5182
2 Common How credit card deposits are returned ? If deposit is made with credit card, its information is kept together with the contract paper. There is no charge made to the credit card and its info... rentwifi 2015.10.13 6439
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